Push notifications for Things Touch (iPhone/iOS) using Prowl
While waiting for Things Touch to officially support push notifications I hacked my own solution based on Prowl and my own Ruby library for Things, things-rb.
I’ve setup Dropbox to share my Things database betweeen my laptop and a computer at home which is always online.
Buy and install Prowl on your iOS device.
On the home computer/server, install things-rb:
$ (sudo) gem update --system # if you're on an older RubyGems version
$ (sudo) gem install things-rb
..and the prowl gem to talk to the Prowl API
$ (sudo) gem install prowl
Save this file somewhere (like
) -
Setup a cronjob to run the script as often as you’d like. Mine runs every weekday at 8:45 am.
45 8 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/ruby /Users/me/bin/prowl_things.rb